Blendos spring b league statistical leaders & award winners
Most Valuable Player (MVP) - Jacob Beach
Jason Walker Award: Offensive Player of the Year (OPY) Danny Njoku (Tennessee Orange)
Dom Webb Award: Defensive Player of the Year (DPY) Johnathan Codrington (Orange)
Terrence Parker Award: Rookie of the year (ROY)Johnathan Codrington (Orange)
Big Man of the Year (BIG) Jared Conklin (Grey)
6th Man of the Year (6th) Johnathan Codrington (Orange)
Sharpshooter Award: Colin Adam (Black)
Sportsmanship Award: Chad Richards (Sand)
Iron Man Award: Danny Lapin (Purple)
Most Improved- Danny Lapin (Purple)
1st team
Johnathan Codrington
Jacob Beach
Aaron Smith
Danny Njoku
Jared Conklin
2nd Team
Brennen Lawton
Jared Beach
Ray Williams
Stevie Melendez
Cam Hayes
Honorable Mention : Dylan Jaklitsch, Jimmy Donley, Chad Richards
1st Team All Defense
Jonathan Codrington
Dylan Jaklitsch
Danny Njoku
Jared Beach
Scott Richards
