Blend-A-Rama Tournament Schedules
So there will be 7 courts available for use.
We have 5 different brackets
13-15 boys Court 1
13-15 Boys Court 2
13-15 girls Court 3
Women 18+ Court 4
Men 18 A Court 5
Men 18 B Court 6
Court 7 for time restraints.
Boys 13-15 Court 1
Boys 13-15 Court 2
it is important to note that we will most likely end up way ahead of schedule so stay close to your court for time updates.

Game 1: The Rim Rockers vs Balling Bros 930 am
Game 2: Empire vs Trey Ballers 10 am
Game 3: Coop City vs Winner of Game 1 10:30 am
Game 4: The Ballers vs Team Prodigy 9 30 am
Game 5: Da Bulldogs vs Spartans 10 am
Game 6: TMTC vs Winner of Game 2 11 am
Game 7: Mamba Mentality vs winner of game 3 10:30
Game 8: Chamber of Commerce vs Winner of game 4 -- 11 am
Game 9 L2 vs L6 1130
Game 10 L4 vs L5 11 30
Game 11 L1 vs L8 12;00
Game 12 L2 vs L7 12:00
Game 13 12:30
Game 14 12: 30
Game 15 1:00
Game 16 1:00
Game 17 1:30
Game 18 1:30
Game 19 2:00
Game 20 2:00
Game 21 2:30
Game 22 2:30
Game 23 (IF necessary) 3:00
Girls 13-15 court C

Game 1: hot shots vs jackets 9:30 am
Game 2: Bull Dogs vs Train Wreck 10 am
Game 3: Swishers vs TMTC 10:30 Game 4: Team Spruill vs Two Pair & A Spare 11 Am
Game 5: 1130
Game 6: 12
Game 7: 12:30
Game 8 1:00
Game 9 1:30
Game 10 2:00
Game 11 2:30
Game 12 3:00
Game 13: 330
Game 14: 400
Game 15: 430
Womens 18+ Court D
Game 1: Sip N Sail Vs Conklin Flooring 930 am
Game 2: Team Blendos vs Shooting Stars
Game 3: Winner of game 1 vs Winner of Game 2
Game 4: Loser of game 1 vs Loser of Game 2
Game 5: Winner of game 4 vs loser of game 3
Game 6: Winner of game 3 vs winner of game 5
Game 7: Winner of game 6 vs loser of game #6 if first loss
Game 8: Loser of game 4 vs loser of game 2
Game 9: Winner of game 8 vs loser of game 6/7
Game 10: Championship
Men's 18 A Court 5

Game 1: Team Chambers vs Service By Burch 9:30
Game 2: Chamber of Commerce vs Team Waiter 9:50
Game 3: Team Blendos vs Team Brown 10:10
Game 4: Superbad vs Fireball Shooters 10:30
Game 5: Team Fox vs winner of game 1 10:50
Game 6: Team Quigley vs winner of game 2 11:10
Game 7: Melissa Manikas State Farm vs winner of game 3 11:30
Game 8: RITL vs Winner of game 4 11:50
Game 9: L2 vs L6 12:10
Game 10: L4 vs L5 12;30
Game 11: L1 vs L8 12;50
Game 12: L2 vs L7 1:10
Game 13: W5 vs W6 1:30
Game 14: W7 vs W8 1;50
Game 15: W9 vs W10 2:10 Game 16: W11 vs W12 2:30
Game 17: W15 vs L14 2:50
Game 18: W16 vs L13 3:10
Game 19: W13 vs w 14 3:30
Game 20: W17 vs W18 3:50
Game 21: W20 vs L19 4:10
Game 22: W19 vs W21
Game 23 (If Necessary)
Mens 18 B Court 6

Game 1: Rim Shots (Chamber) vs Hoosier Daddy 9:30
Game 2: HPW vs Hair Jordan 9:50
Game 3: Approved Towing vs Team Beers 10:10
Game 4: Toon Squad vs Team Armstrong 10:30
Game 5: UV Storm vs winner of game 1 10:50
Game 6: RS Ballers vs winner of game 2 11:10
Game 7: Team White vs winner of game 3 11:30
Game 8: Brick Boys vs Winner of game 4 11:50
Game 9: L2 vs L6 12:10
Game 10: L4 vs L5 12;30
Game 11: L1 vs L8 12;50
Game 12: L2 vs L7 1:10
Game 13: W5 vs W6 1:30
Game 14: W7 vs W8 1;50
Game 15: W9 vs W10 2:10 Game 16: W11 vs W12 2:30
Game 17: W15 vs L14 2:50
Game 18: W16 vs L13 3:10
Game 19: W13 vs w 14 3:30
Game 20: W17 vs W18 3:50
Game 21: W20 vs L19 4:10
Game 22: W19 vs W21
Game 23 (If Necessary)
I have the game times shortened to reflect an earlier day. We need to get the games done and be ready to start the next one.